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THE DUST HAS SETTLED……LET NOT THE WOUNDS FESTER by  Major General Rajiv Edwards, VSM** (Retd)

THE DUST HAS SETTLED……LET NOT THE WOUNDS FESTER by  Major General Rajiv Edwards, VSM** (Retd)

THE DUST HAS SETTLED……LET NOT THE WOUNDS FESTER by Major General Rajiv Edwards, VSM** (Retd)

The largest democratic exercise in history has recently concluded in India.  Notwithstanding the accusations and counter-accusations regarding the fairness of its conduct, the sheer scale of the magnum opus should make every Indian justifiably proud! 744 registered parties, 8360 candidates, close to a billion voters, over a million polling stations, 5 million voting machines, nearly 15 million polling staff and a security cover of over 3.4 lakh CAPF……all for 543 seats.

Much has been said and written about the verdict. It is just as well, because while on the one hand, it took the wind out of the sails of many, at the same time it greased the skids of others. Mercifully, the din and bustle is now behind us and we have a governance arrangement in place.  However, contrary to the notion, the general election was scarcely the ‘great festival of India’! With no underlying religious significance, the ballot ‘festival’ was more discordant and divisive than cordial and unifying… not quite meriting the soubriquet of a festival!
The elections were held in the backdrop of a unique situation in the religious plurality and multi-ethnicity of today’s Bharat…..every community, the majority and minorities alike are ostensibly aggrieved, if not insecure, on some or the other account!  And, behind the thin veil of harmony, an inexplicable intolerance, revulsion and mistrust has steadily amped up.  If at all there were any expectations that the elections may soothe the cynicism,

unfortunately, neither the manifestos gave any guarantee on that score, nor were there any pretensions in this regard in the election campaign.  The paradox is that while many development schemes and sops were proffered in the respective party publications, however, on the ground, sum and substance issues were forsaken at the pulpit of an inexplicable puerility and pettiness.

Power is a great aphrodisiac, the more one gets, the more convoluted appears to be the mindset. And, the fear of loss of power can be unnerving. This was quite evident in the run-up to the ballot….caution was flung to the winds, with the most outrageous vocalizations……just for votes!!   ‘Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks’…..in that sense, the election was indeed a revelation!  In hindsight, it seems that the election season was just a petri dish for hate and scorn. The toxic transmutation is now no longer about healthy difference of opinion, but a muted loathing for fellow countrymen.

The Prime Minister aptly avers that sabka saath, sabka vikas, sabka, vishwas and sabka prayas are the most powerful manifestation of the spirit of the Constitution. ‘Sabka’ aka inclusiveness is the catchphrase; it is the focus on every citizen and community of the country, without any exception or discrimination.  The fact is that anything that promotes conscious disaffection in society, especially emanating from the political hierarchy, is counterproductive to the idea of ‘sabka’!  In the current acrimonious milieu, the trilogy of saath, vishwas and prayas, the cornerstone of ‘Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat’, is unlikely to be optimally realised!

The election outcome has many cautionary lessons for the full spectrum of political leadership. The hallmark of a great leader is the capability to carry everyone along. Success isn’t just about hitting numbers; it is about managing perceptions. Empathy, humility and a genuine connection to people’s needs and practical solutions resonate more with the voters, who expect much more from their leaders, than hollow slogans and base proclamations.  Abraham Lincoln famously remarked, ‘Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters’. The electorate is not naive; ‘WhatsApp elections’ are quite different from ‘real elections’…the message is loud and clear! Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion, without the discomfort of thought! It is a luxury which the country can ill afford…any longer!

Regretfully, for the moment we appear to suffer from a non-reconciliation syndrome. Usually, during elections, the fissures are whitewashed and the cracks are kept open for vilification and political gains….general elections 2024 in that sense appeared to be an exception! A year back, as the G20 leader, India coined the mantra ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ (one earth, one family, one future). Surprising that we proffer global unity, while our own house is not quite in sync with our aspirations for the world!

We can perhaps remember, if only for a time, that those who live with us are brothers and sisters, that they share with us the same fleeting moment of life. Surely this bond of common fate can begin to teach us something. Surely we can learn, at the least to look around at our fellow countrymen. Surely we can work a little harder to bind up the wounds among us and become in our hearts brothers, sisters and fellow citizens again.  Let’s not squander the Amrit Kaal on settling scores…..the best way to predict the future is to create it together!  Amen.

(Major General Rajiv Edwards, VSM** (Retd) is a historical researcher and commentator on societal issues.  He is apolitical. Views expressed are personal)

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