Ferozepur News

“Dreaming Under the Flag: A Nation’s Promise, a Citizen’s Struggle”

“Dreaming Under the Flag: A Nation’s Promise, a Citizen’s Struggle”
"Dreaming Under the Flag: A Nation's Promise, a Citizen's Struggle"
Photo clicked by Shivani, Headmistress, Govt High School, Chak Ghubai urf Tangan, in Mamdot Block of Ferozepur District in Punjab


Ferozepur, August 9, 2024: SLEEPING INDIA : The image of a poor person sleeping on a bench with the Indian national flag covering their face starkly contrasts the nation’s ideals with its reality. The flag, a symbol of pride and unity, conceals a face worn by hardship, highlighting the growing gap between the promises of progress and the lived experiences of many. The bench, a public space, becomes a makeshift bed—a silent testimony to the struggles of the marginalized. This powerful image encapsulates the irony of a sleeping nation, where dreams of prosperity remain elusive for those who need them most.

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