Ferozepur News

Villagers protest at Indo-Pak Zero Line near Hussainiwala over ownership of fertile land

Villagers protest at Indo-Pak Zero Line near Hussainiwala over ownership of fertile land

Protesters put a big ‘Question Mark’ over working of BSF


Ferozepur , October 24: Punjab is facing frequent protests, dharnas and bandhs from the farmers for not getting the adequate price of their products followed by agitation for compensation for damage of cotton crop with whitefly, causing lot of inconvenience to the people of the state.  But on Saturday, hundreds of farmers protested near the barbed wire fencing along the Indo-Pak border Zero Line at village Dona Telu Mal yesterday evening.

These farmers alleged that few influential people owing allegiance to few political leaders, in connivance with the few revenue officials, are trying to usurp their fertile land which they have been farming for the last several years

The Zameen Bachao Sangharsh Committee led by – Makhan Singh, Guljar Singh, Gurdip Singh, Balvir Singh, Puran Singh and Balwinder Singh-  alleged that these farmers – Dona Telu Mal, Bhaba Haji, Ruhela Haji, Nihal Kilcha and Gandhu Kilcha protested near BSF post of village Dona Telu Mal (at Pillar No. 195/15) – have been tilling this land across the barbed wire fencing since 1962.

These farmers alleged that they have girdawaris of the disputed land on their names but still the administration is not allowing them to cultivate their land. Comrade Hansa Singh, another farmer leader said that now we are ready to do or die.  . “We will die but will not let this happen”, roared one of the farmers.

Since long, the land mafia had virtually infringed on most of around 1300 acres of land situated across the fencing in this area and some landless tillers who had been cultivating the land for ages were also chucked out from here” rued Hansa Singh.

Sources also said that BSF authorities are allowing certain farmers for cultivation of their land barring one Sohan Singh, despite holding the court orders.  He had also been sitting on dharna for quite some but without any fruitful results.




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