Ferozepur News

What visually-impaired expect from new government? (Watch Video)


What visually-impaired expect from new government? (Watch Video)What visually-impaired expect from new government? (Watch Video)

What visually impaired expect from new government? (Watch Video)

Visually impaired Vishnu expects special allowance from newly formed govt

Ferozepur, June 1, 2024:  Everyone has expectations from the new government after the final results are declared of Lok Sabha Elections-2024, concluding today and Punjab is one of the states in the last 7th phase.

Vishnu is a visually impaired inmate at Home for the Blind at Ferozepur. While he appreciated the various policies of the government he had high expectations from the newly formed government after the final results were announced on June 4.

Adding that whosoever government may come in power, the PM must keep in mind the priorities of giving jobs to unemployed youths, best education system, providing medical facilities to all, and special allowance to blind community.

He said, till such time the educated visually impaired get a government job or adjusted anywhere else, the remaining unemployed blind be given a special allowance to meet the daily needs and expenses to live more comfortably so that they may not become a burden on the families or the institutions.

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