Ferozepur News

Tight vigil, awareness needed to end free run of snatchers in Ferozepur

Avoid wearing expensive jewellery and don’t carry cash rather use debit/credit cards: NGOs

Tight vigil, awareness needed to end free run of snatchers in Ferozepur

Tight vigil, awareness needed to end free run of snatchers in Ferozepur

Avoid wearing expensive jewellery and don’t carry cash rather use debit/credit cards: NGOs

Ferozepur, October 6, 2023:  There is no denying the fact that incidents of chain, mobile snatching in the city have risen in the past.  The recent incident of snatching near the local hospital when a mother had gone to get medicine along with his son, two persons on motorcycle having no registration number,  with masks on their faces, snatched the ear rings and fled away has shocked the citizens.

Silly as it may sound, the chain snatchers seem to have a free run and strike even in broad daylight even in areas bustling with activity, without the faintest fear of law.

The police has registered a case under Section 379-B of IPC against two unidentified persons and further investigations are on with the IO.

Meanwhile, the local citizens, businessmen, and social organizations gathered at a central place to give a message to the district and police administration, to tighten the vigil in the city with special focus on movement of vehicles without number as sometimes the registration of vehicle number helps in nabbing the criminals.

Sandeep Gulati, Satpal shopkeers said,  Snatching incidents are on the rise in the city. Immediate steps ought to be taken to control the situation. The way the snatchers commit crime in broad daylight even during the rush hours is a wonder.

One of the NGO said, Why are goldsmiths in the city not questioned by the police? It is obvious that gold chains and other ornaments are sold to them by the snatchers even at a low price.  While another NGO said, the people should avoid wearing expensive jewellery. Instead, they should resort more to wearing artificial jewellery. Instead of carrying heavy cash, they can use debit/credit cards.

They demanded enhanced police surveillance in sensitive areas by deploying cops in civil dress. They also threatened to hold protests in the city in case the snatching, loot incidents are not controlled.


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