Ferozepur News

Border village Govt. High School, Chak Ghubai organizes Science Fair

Border village Govt. High School, Chak Ghubai organizes ‘Science Fair’

Science fair is an opportunity for students to apply the scientific method to conduct independent research – Umesh Kumar, Kamal Wadhwa

Ferozepur, September  28, 2019: Today, Government High School, Chak Ghubhai organized ‘Science Fair’ in the school campus under the tutelage of Shivani Monga, Headmistress and Kavita Verma, Science Teacher and under guidance of Secretary Education, Krishan Kumar, Project Coordinator Rajesh Jain, DEO Ferozepur, Kulwinder Kaur, DM Umesh Kumar an BM Kamal Wadhwa. 

The school has been organizing various events from time to time to create awareness among the students and putting the wiser about the worldly affairs in this competitive era.  In this text, a Science Fair was organized by the students of the school with a presentation of models on various subjects.

The Science Fair was inspected by DM Science Ferozepur Umesh Kumar and BM Science Block Mamdot Kamal Wadhwa and appreciated the efforts of the students in presenting the various models relating to science subject.   The local villagers and parents of the students also lauded the work of the students.

Inspecting Team members said the initiative of the education department to organize fairs on different subjects is a good step. science fair is an opportunity for students to apply the scientific method to conduct independent research starting from small projects to compete in regional, state, national and international science fairs.   

These fairs also create interest among the students to concentrate more on their studies which are helpful in the long run while pursuing higher classes, said Shivani Monga and Kavita Verma.

Besides, a Parent-Teacher meet was also arranged which was attended in good number and appreciated the efforts of the education department in the field of education.

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