Ferozepur News

Vision of all govt school students to be checked under Spasht Drishti project

40 students given free spectacles at GSSS Bazidpur

Vision of all govt school students to be checked under Spasht Drishti project

Vision of all govt school students to be checked under Spasht Drishti project

40 students given free spectacles at GSSS Bazidpur

Ferozepur, November, 2022: Spasht Drishti project, launched by Vipul Narang a social activist, dedicated to her daughter, who suffered vision problem and later on recovered with timel check up – will cover all the students in government schools in Ferozepur district.

Under this project, few schools have already been covered for refraction of eye sight and provided spectacles free of cost.  The students provided spectacles are feeling comfortable in reading from the black board and books, without any strain. In this context, today 40 spectacles were given to the students at Govt Sr. School, Bazidpur.

The initiative of Vipul Narang, is available for any help by a needy person, on a single call and because of his yeoman’s services in the society, when people are busy in this materialistic world.  is now a day known as Yes Man in Ferozepur, said Ashok Behal, Secretary Red Cross Society adding that his cocept to check up vision of students, has been appreciated by Amrit Singh, Deputy Commissioner and officers and officials of education department.

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