Ferozepur News

Pickpocket targets city Journalist M.L.Tiwari’s wallet during coverage of news

Pickpocket targets city Journalist M.L.Tiwari’s wallet during coverage of news

 Pickpocketing image

Ferozepur, May 4, 2015:  Pick pocketing at the public places is common and city journalist M.L.
Tiwari, Editor Ferozepur Darshan, Ferozepuronline.com and reporter Chardi Kala and Chairman, Chandigarh-Punjab Union of Journalists  was targeted while he had gone to Civil Hospital for coverage of specialist doctor’s strike.

Divulging with the details, Tiwari said, he had reported the incident of pickpocket with the local police station.  The pickpocket valet contained 2 ATM cards, Rs.600 cash, government and non-government identity cards.

He said that since he was busy in covering the news, he came to know about the loss of purse after sometime.

Tiwari was surprised over the art of pickpocket which has been around about as long as currency despite the fact it is an dying art and rare pickpocket incidents are noticed now a days.  Unemployment has compelled the youths to enter into such professions, he added.

Tiwari said there had been generous pickpocket also who had returned the documents to the owner by keeping the cash. He, however made an appeal to the pickpocket to return his important documents at my address through post to avoid inconvenience to me for getting the duplicate.

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