Ferozepur News

Panchayat with unanimity in elections to get Rs.2 lac grant

Ferozepur July 29, 2018: The unanimity in elections save poll expenses, help reduce litigations and consensus in the selection of panchayat members promote peace, harmony and brotherhood in the village, said Parminder Singh Pinky MLA Ferozepur while addressing the gathering at village Suba Kahan Chand.

Pinky said the Punjab Government has announced the grant of Rs.2 lac to panchayat in the event of the unanimous election in the village in coming Panchayat elections.

In spite of the fact that UEVP – Unanimous Elections to Village Panchayat is seen as undemocratic, as it seems to maintain domination of caste, feudal and patriarchal practices, it is non-participatory and non-representative, it is an attempt to silence the dissent, and thus a threat to democracy for local governance, it promotes ‘moneycracy’ rather than democracy.  Notwithstanding this view, it is added that many state governments in India have launched the scheme for the promotion of unanimous election to village panchayats.  

Pinky said it is the concept of Capt Amarinder Singh Chief Minister that educated, intelligent and experienced people should come forward during the ensuing panchayat elections by raising themselves from the politics and send the unanimously elected persons.

The unanimously formed Panchayat will get a grant of Rs.2 lac besides there will be no dearth of more development projects and grants. He is making appeal to all the people in the villages in Ferozepur Assembly Constituency to elect the unanimous panchayat members, he added.

Present among others on this occasion were District Congress Rural President, Sukhwinder Singh Attari, Daljit Singh, Sukhjinder Arifke, Parminder Handa.




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