Ferozepur News

NCERT team from Delhi visits Hussainiwala Martyrs’ Memorial

History of ‘Martyrs’ should become a part of NCERT’s syllabus : Dr.Satinder Singh

NCERT team from Delhi visits Hussainiwala Martyrs’ Memorial

NCERT team visits Hussainiwala

Ferozepur, September 26, 2015: National Council of Education and Research Training (NCERT), New Delhi team was here to attend National Level Education Conference organized by the Action Group for Research in Education and Environment – AGREED Foundation – committed for the development of education and environment.

Later, the team members headed by Dr.R.R.Keorang visited Hussainiwala Martyrs Memorial to pay floral tributes to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of India. Dr.Satinder Singh, National Awardee, President Agreed Foundation, Deepak Sharma, PRO and Dr.Rakesh Sehgal, educationist also accompanied the visiting team.

Dr.Keorang said, he had a different feeling after knowing the  complete history of Hussainiwala which he will be taking alongwith him to Delhi.

He said, “It will be a matter of proud not only for the Punjabis but whole of the nation, in case the ideology of Agreed Foundation and educationists associated with it, are bonded with the history of NCERT.”

He said, “He too wants that the history of Hussainiwala Martyrs’ should find a place in all the books of educational institutions so that the students could get its knowledge from the school and college books.” He will definitely raise  voice of Agreed Foundation with his seniors in the department on reaching Delhi, added Dr.Keorang.

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