Ferozepur News

Aadhar Card: Machines fail to register fingerprints of senior citizens

Ferozepur, March 6, 2018:  The Aadhar Card is invariably the most important document which you own now, and errors in it could land you in a problem. Some senior citizens and labourers in the city are facing problem in getting their Aadhar cards updated as the machines failed to register their fingerprints, to update their saving accounts with the banks to make them operative and pension accounts for updating the live certificate.

The Aadhar car mechanism introduced in India is against the inclusive nature of technology as it abandons those with fading fingerprints or ageing process to their own devices. Such persons are advised to visit the Aadhar camps or Service Centers for updating the fresh fingerprint impressions.

On contacting the Service Centre, who too was baffled to find that the fingerprints not getting imprinted, may be due to technical error but the problem is being faced almost at all the Service Centers.  The person at the counter informed that the fingerprints are not being picked up by the equipment because of factors like age or of the people who are in professions involving manual work, who are also facing the same problem. Daily four-five such cases are being received at one centre.  But to update Aadhaar online, registering your mobile number with Aadhaar is mandatory since such operations are authenticated by an OTP – the one-time password.

Recently a case of Shila, 1941 born was received by him for updating the fingerprints.  Since it is a very sensitive issue, the facility to update the fingerprints has been shifted to the local State Bank of India campus, he added.

He said, the Aadhar Cards process was initiated in 2011 in India and it needs to be updated after a period of five years.  We try for fingerprints three times and choose the best one and if the same is still not clear, the person is called after one month and told to apply some cream on the fingers for one month so that fingerprints become clear.

Since the Aadhar Card or biometric information in stores is mandatory for many things and the worst affected are the poor, who qualify for this, often work with their hands.

Another senior citizen, Madan Lal said, this is the common problem and I think as we get older, this problem occurs.  But in my case, rubbing my figures for some minutes solved the problem.

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