Ferozepur News




Miracles happen. Miracles do happen. However, in such small and tiny ways that they cannot be easily observed. Well, the clearing of the clouds of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022 was nothing short of a miracle for the world. Each one of us can do miracles. Each situation can also be a miracle. To be sure, what is a miracle? According to the modern world’s dictionary- Google, miracle means an extraordinary and welcome event that is attributed to a divine agency. So, isn’t every human being divine?

We all are divine souls, souls with the power to spread and radiate peace across the globe. This makes it quite conspicuous that each human beings has the power to do miracles, to improve their lives. We all make New Year resolutions on 01st January every day. This resolution is a desire of ours, a desire to transform into a person one notch higher than our previous self. The journey in itself is a spiritual journey. And, the ultimate transformation is a miracle.

Miracles happen in nature every day, every hour, every minute and every second. Life on Earth itself is a miracle. Creation of life on this blue planet too is a magic. For the readers who might have disagreed with me till now, I do agree that human beings can’t perform so many miracles so quickly. Despite that, when committed, we all can transcend the journey of one mile superior to our erstwhile selves. As we enter the New Year 2023, all of us should pledge to perform one miracle in our own lives. Being grateful, being kind, performing a good deed a day or go healthy- any of these can be our aim for a miracle. Our New Year resolutions should be repackaged as the miracle we aim to perform in the upcoming year.

The miracle is the destination and it is also the most exhilarating moment. It is the moment where the individual feels the joy of achieving something and transform themselves into something much better. However, the journey to the destination is also equally exhilarating and enjoyable. The spiritual journey is the journey of acceptance, the journey of change, the journey of wisdom and the journey of enlightenment. It is a huge challenge to maintain a new habit for the entire year. However, just as bad habits are formed, good habits can also be formed by doing that continuously.

We need to maintain these habits and our body will soon adapt to that. If we aim to perform a good deed every day, it becomes a part of the routine and the change is soon visible. The miracle has happened.

Now, that we are in 2023, let us make a change in ourselves. Just as Mahatma Gandhi had said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” And, we will be able to see the world change. Finally, it feels right to end with Albert Einstein’s philosophical quote, ”There are two ways to live your life: you can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

Written By:- Saikrit Gulati (Tel. 7743098455)

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