Ferozepur News

Mayank Foundation Successfully Organizes Summer Camp at Santosh Sewa Kunj for 35 Students

Participants were given Plants at a Closing ceremony to Spread the‘ Go Green ‘ message 

Mayank Foundation Successfully Organizes Summer Camp at Santosh Sewa Kunj for 35 Students
Mayank Foundation Successfully Organizes Summer Camp at Santosh Sewa Kunj for 35 Students
Participants were given Plants at a Closing ceremony to Spread the ‘Go Green‘ message

Ferozepur, June 16, 2024: The Mayank Foundation successfully concluded its summer camp at Santosh Sewa Kunj, attended by 35 enthusiastic students. The camp, which featured a range of activities including arts and crafts, Sketching, Games, and Music, provided a holistic experience aimed at fostering creativity, physical fitness, and artistic expression among the participants.

One of the highlight features of the camp was the Everyday Morning Prayer, which served as a cornerstone event. This daily practice was designed to instill a sense of discipline, devotion, and moral values in the young participants. The morning sessions began with a serene prayer, setting a positive tone for the day and encouraging reflection and mindfulness. Following the morning prayer, participants attended a lecture session focused on imparting life skills and moral education often overlooked in traditional academic settings. These lectures were crafted to enrich the student’s understanding of important life aspects, promoting personal growth and a well-rounded education.
Rajeev Setia, Secretary said the Mayank Foundation is committed to the development of young minds, and this summer camp at Santosh Sewa Kunj is a testament to our dedication. By providing a nurturing environment filled with diverse activities and essential life lessons, we aim to inspire the next generation to lead disciplined, devoted, and morally sound lives. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the volunteers, parents, and supporters who made this camp a resounding success. We look forward to organizing more such enriching events in the future.

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