Huge quantity of seized narcotics in 266 cases destroyed by High Level Drug Disposal Committee in Ferozepur
Huge quantity of seized narcotics in 266 cases destroyed by High Level Drug Disposal Committee in Ferozepur
Ferozepur, October 2, 2022: The High Level Drug Disposal Committee, in Ferozepur Police Range, disposed of piled up huge quantity of heroin, poppy husk, narcotic pills and other narcotic substances, seized in 266 cases, as per the guidelines of High Court.
Meanwhile, Ferozepur police burnt 138.5 Kg of heroin, 1187 Kg of poppy seeds, 62470 narcotic pills, 01.300 Kg of sugar and other drugs in 109 cases.
57.264 Kg heroin in 66 cases by District Fazilka Police. 479.100 Kg poppy husk, 2500 drug pills and 316 grams of smack were burned.
19,226 kg of heroin, 21100 narcotic pills, 496 capsules and other narcotic substances were burnt in 91 cases by District Tarn Taran police.

During the special campaign regarding drug disposal on October 2, 2022, High Level Drug Disposal Committee of Ferozepur Range and District Level Drug Disposal Committees under the leadership of Jaskaran Singh IPS. IGP Ferozepur Range, Ferozepur – SSP Ferozepur Surendra Lamba, IPS, SSP Tarn Taran Ranjit Singh Dhilo IPS and SSP Fazilka Bhupinder Singh PPS in the presence of District SPs and DSPs including District SPs and DSPs keeping in mind the guidelines of Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh narcotics were burnt at SAEL Ghal Khurd.