Ferozepur News

Bajrang Dal condemns terror attack in J&K’s Reasi killing 9 including 2-year-old child

Submits memorandum to ADC(G)

Bajrang Dal condemns terror attack in J&K’s Reasi killing 9 including 2-year-old child

Bajrang Dal condemns terror attack in J&K’s Reasi killing 9 including 2-year-old child

Submits memorandum to ADC(G)

Ferozepur, June 12, 2024:  Bajrang Dal condemns the terror attack in J&K’s Reasi killing 9 including a 2-year-old child and submitted a memorandum to the district administration – ADC(G) Dr Nidhi Kumud Bambah to put a complete check on such activities.

The cowardly attack by the brutal Pakistan-backed Islamic Jihadi terrorists on the bus of Hindu pilgrims on June 9, when Shiv was being dug from Vaishno Devi Katra in Jammu and Kashmir, in which 10 innocent Hindu pilgrims were killed, is an incident that shocked the entire country. The entire country is hurt by this cruellest crime and is in deep anger.

Vijay Behal, Naresh Goyal, Joginder Kumar, Suraj Mehta and Yogesh Bansal from VHP and Mani Pehwal from Bajrang Dal said that Jammu and Kashmir have been suffering the sting of Pakistan-fostered terrorism for a long time. After 370 retreats, there is a glimmer of hope, but it seems that the morale of the militants is still not low.

Pakistan’s hand is By doing such an audacious act at the time of swearing in the new government of the country and Islamic terrorists have challenged the country’s sovereignty.

They said, that VHP and Bajrang Dal pay respects to the slain Hindu pilgrims expressed deep outrage at this cowardly act and appealed to the state government to take up with the central government for initiation of decisive and stern steps to bring complete control over such activities.

We also urge the central government to ensure that the internal and foreign elements that protect these types of elements are dealt with strictly and appropriately.

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